Clarity amongst clutter is a superpower.

1 min readJun 7, 2018
Photo by Hudai Gayiran on Unsplash

Day by day, the world is getting filled with emotional and thought clutter. Today, people are sharing more than ever before in history of the mankind thanks to social media. It is definitely an achievement for us as a whole but it has created an unprecedented monster as a by-product. Let’s call that monster “noise”. The world has gotten increasingly cluttered since the internet and social media. The most important challenge of our times is to find authenticity and meaning amongst all this thought clutter to learn and grow.

Human beings learn, thrive and shine when there is authenticity and trust. It is not possible to do this while you are constantly living in FOMO or anxiety or emptiness about your own life. Develop clarity that can withstand any amount of social media mayhem. Clarity is the immunity for all the negative parasites attacking your mind.

Also, this is a great way to differentiate yourself from the others in your career. In a world filled with cheesy commercials, being real is a superpower. Being imperfect and owning your mistakes is a win. Being intellectually honest is a massive edge. Remember, you don’t have to be original all the time but be authentic always.




The “Build In Public” Guy. I tweet about no-code, building in public & startup growth tactics.